【同义词辨析】 2020-03-25 脆弱fragile-friable

fragile: implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling: a ~ antique chair.  delicate有2个意思 1、纤细的纤弱的易损柔弱的娇嫩的being weak, easily broken,如delicate fabrics精细的织物,如delicate china teacups易碎的瓷茶杯,如a delicate child/constitution纤弱的孩子/体质,如the eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body眼睛是人体最娇贵的器官之一,如babies have very delicate skin婴儿的皮肤非常娇嫩 2、微妙精致的精密的showing or needing skill, care, or sensitivity,如a delicate problem微妙的问题,如I admired your delicate handling of the situation我赞赏你应付这种局面的微妙技巧,如the delicate mechanisms of a clock表的精密机件)   傅莹在慕尼黑安全峰会上问美国议长: 为什么美国民主何如此脆弱,用的这个词

frangible: implies an inherent susceptibility to being broken without implying weakness or delicacy: ~ stone used as paving material.

brittle: implies hardness together with lack of elasticity or flexibility or toughness: elderly patients with ~ bones.   elasitic弹性,指可以拉伸 felxible灵活,指折叠时不会断   tough强韧firm and resilient,既结实又有韧性,特朗普有本书叫time to get tough,他对中国的态度可以用tough形容

crisp: implies a firmness and brittleness desirable especially in some foods: ~ lettuce.   firm的坚硬程度不及hard       莴苣生菜    

friable: applies to substances that are easily crumbled to pulverized: ~ soil.   crumble,来自crumb面包屑,表示1、变碎碾碎to break apart,如this cake crumbles too easily这种蛋糕太容易2、倒塌瓦解to fall apart,如their crumbling ancestral home他们将要倒塌的祖屋,如the party's fragile unity began to crumble该党脆弱的联合开始瓦解了)   (pulverize使成粉末或尘埃reduce to fine particles,如the brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment众村落的砖块因炮击而炸得粉碎。另外还比喻彻底击溃,如he pulverize the opposition with the force of his oratory他能言善辩把对方驳得彻底溃败

fragile易碎易损脆弱: 指材质结构极为纤弱需小心拿放,frangible易碎: 指本身易碎的属性,并非(变成了)纤弱 ,brittle硬而易碎,脆: 指坚硬弹性灵活韧性,crisp脆: 指某些食物脆硬,感觉可口,friable易碎: 表示容易碾碎

记忆方法: 1)首字母FFBCF仿佛放不成<==易碎               "脆"有2个意思 1、容易折断破碎,跟"韧"相对,如塑料一老化就变脆,如这树枝真脆  2、(较硬的食物)容易咬碎又爽口,如脆枣,如这瓜又甜又脆,锅巴又香又脆      ""的意思是"完整的东西破坏成零片或零块",本义是"石头崩解",从石卒声,"卒"的意思是"极点,极端",石与卒合起来表示"石头(因被施加外力而)处于极端状态",作动词如碎裂粉碎粉身碎骨,作形容词如碎屑琐碎支离破碎。另外,碎还标表示"说话唠叨",如嘴碎闲言碎语。在陕西方言中,碎表示"小",如碎碎一个事情: 小事一桩; 女子: 小女孩(含贬义); 娃: 小孩子(中性偏贬)

        2)易碎的意思是易破碎mean easily broken.